its 3.21 in the morning.. stiLL can't sleep, wonder why.. perhaps, its because i've ate a lot for supper? tuh yang sampai sekarang stiLL can't sLeep.. i had supper wat 11+pm.. paling koman pon, by 3 dah rase a LiL sLeepy, at Least.. tuh yang rase cam dah mula nak meNgong tuh.. guess i will merepek tonite, though i've gradually quitting eating kerepek (tipu!!!! baru makan kerepek CNY arituh)
my friend & i completed our first proposal to be submitted tomorrow. thats for EOP.. i have another proposal to be done due on this tuesday, & thats for my skill class.
so, plan for tomorrow, i have class at 8.30 am, hopefully i can wake up early for the class. if not, i'm truly sorry. then, i have to find my lecturer in charge for our practical training regarding our supervisor.. i HAVE to!!! tunggang terbalik kang sampai sane kalo xdapat supervisor agi..
tetibe teringat pasal supervisor ni pon, coz i had nitemare last nite.. i had problems even before my flight. starting kat airport, sampai laa kat Sabah.. aduhai~~ my mom called me the other nite, before went to bed.. chup!! i was the one who called her.. tak kesah laaa.. she told me that if only i can do practical at home just like my sis did last time..bukan taknak, time study laa we have to learn more. dah kerja kang, people will expect more from us. time tuh baru nak tunggang langgang, lagi laa parah.. cian mak..sorry mak.. nanti pon, akak akan balik punye. insyaAllah.. ehee
so, Sabah, aku memang tak sabar nak ke sana sebab tak sabar nak abiskan my 3 months industrial training.. huhuu~~~ hope to learn a lot there!!!
pape hal pon, sok punye plan, nak jumpe pelbagai ragam orang. better be prepared!! *sok kena deal ngan orang yang kitorang nak submit proposal EOP. hope she is very friendly.. habis laa aku kalo tak.. sayor!!!*
nak merepek mende len actually, tapi, tangan dah letih, plus, i feel sleepy while bLogging.. hurm.. next time, if i can't sleep, i should staRt bLogging :P
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