Thursday, April 30, 2009

An0ther gift


K..juz wanna say thank u so0o much 4 aLwaYs beiNg theRe 4 me..
Thanx a LoT 4 d LoveLy braceLets..
Thanx Sus sisTers.Get weLL so0n.suYan..makan ubaT,ok..
Thanx a Lot fReNZ.. ;-)



Sunday, April 26, 2009

bLoodY X


ogenki desuka??
whiLe busy heLping ouT my paRenTs at Home,
i sTill have time watching 'bLoodY Monday' recently.. eheee~~
a Japanese dRama, iTs actuaLLy an adaptation fRom a Manga, '(Buraddi Mandei)' by Ryuumon Ryou, illustrated by Megumi Kouji.

Buraddi Mandei - firsT manga coVer

though i haven't read the manga n i believe that i need to read it online coz i don't think the mangas are avaiLabLe in Malaysia, i am impressed with the pLoT.. onLy, i dunt reaLLy Like how it ends.. guess There'LL be The NexT seRies.. anyWay, congraTuLations...Hope There'LL be the ContiNuous series.. i'LL be waiTing.. hehee..

dRama coVer

hurm, in this dRaMa seRies, i Like The acTors n acTresses especiaLLy MiuRa hARUma (acted in Koizora n goKusen 3.. awesome) n Fuuji miNa (like her in 'Doushite kiMi wo suki ni naTTe shimaTTandarou' of tohoshinki.. she's soo preTTy).. hee~~

i aDore the skiLLs Fujimaru has. how I wish i could be as genius as him though i know nothing abouT system hacKing.. but being a genius is a burDensome... Thank God i'm just who i am..
but i do wanna be a Genius... need a hard work to achieve it, riTe? huhuu :(


oyasumi Nasai minaa-san~~

aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi~~~~

Thursday, April 23, 2009



These r bracelets fr0m su's..suyan n sumi..
Thanx a Lot 4 d LuvLy braceLets


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Hows your hoLiday??heee~~ DaK2 UIA cuTi duLu... hou yeah! hou yeah!

ok, my hoLiday didn't start wiTh mY eXPecTations n SriousLy, fuLL wiTh the unExPecTed ThingS haPPened EVERYDAY!!!

2 deaths of my relaTives, wiThin a week... 2 been hospitalized...n my dad's also been warded for a nite (aLhamduLiLLah xde pape sangat).. n i bumped into 2 friends of my old time (ahax~ bajeT dah Tue Lagi..), both r my...seniors?.. papeLah... tapi, yang sorang tuh, memang unexpectedly, how i wish for not bumped into dak tuh when i was busy that time.. the other one plak, how i wish i could have a longer chat with him, Mr. J or we used to call him Mr. CC back in TIGS..cOuLdn't recognized him at first n he was like' "siti?".. Later then onLy i recognized him...sory Leh..
weh.. serious aku rindu time duTy st.John dulu.. *sureLy ko buat muke, NJ! haha...*

anyway, HappY BeLated BufDay to Mun... sorry for the Late wisH.. Busy skeT LateLy.. gomEn nee.. hope U R enJoying the BreaK.. I know u do.. Treasure it, babe! pasni, there won'T be 3 monThs break, k... haa.. enjoy.enjoY.. heee~~

owh, btw, iNsyALLah, i'm going to aLong's Weds This June.. FamiLY aku kire dah g vacaTion arituh.. so, June's pLan is canceLLed.. tapi, my second cousin is aLso getting married on the same day.. otto keh? sTick to pLan asaL duLu, go to aLong's weds... ngee~~

hurm... tiLL Then..

Ja~ NEeee~~~

aJ HOm b0Hut KhushEi....


Friday, April 10, 2009

qing tiaN


qing tian <-- lagu Jay Chou...

tetibe rase nak dengar.. ade member aku kate lagu nie besh... aku pon Layan~~

Name pon Jay Chou, owh sememangnye laaa besh.. tapi, aku rase, aku prefer 'Ye Qu' and 'qing li xian' kot... *nak tanye meaning, tunggu lepas aku amik course mandarin.. huahahhaaa*

what i can say is,
qing tian,
wo hen lei....
ye hen luan....
wo, xiang haaa, che yang?
you yi qe ren, qe yi pang mang wo maaa??

aku buhsan... nak study xble... camne ni....huk2...

nak xnak kena puLun aBis aRini...

nak Lepak jap...
*bereHat seBenTar beRsaMa Jay Chou.. hahaaaa*


Ja~ NEeee~~~

aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi~~~


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Its a go0d LucK chaRm fR0m Raja-kun..
C = c.hin
Isn't it cuTe? Rasa syg bT0L nak makan.xmakan Rosak,MaKan je Laa..ehe..
H0unt0ni arigaTo..
WisH u besT of Luck gak 4 ur finAL.. Aja!


Tq raja~~

Saturday, April 4, 2009

StuDy Daaa...


Its exam weEK mucH ThiNgs 2 sTudy..
But i guess i nid 2 sTrez 0n bo0ks oTher than those in pic aB0ve..ngee..
Take a break wif these maNga..hee..
CrediTs to eCah san & aNGreni 4 these tEnse reliever..ha3..
Wokeyh.. I'm reviveD!!
Study! STudy!


Friday, April 3, 2009

1 arm spect

I Lost the oTher arm of my spect when i Was eNjoying j0ggiNg yesTerday..huwaaa..

when I went to caFe for LuncH, evry0ne was Like 'sihin,wheres ur spect?'

i was Like, 'Broken'

Hahaa..bjet overstudy la 2..padahal gi lari..

Then I expLained wat had haPPened...

orang RiNgan muLuT...weLL....


k, paPe pon, mina san, gamBarOu yo...


aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi...

SMILEEEEE~~~~ *try smiling walopon tgh gLabaH caM LabaH-LaBah for finaL stat toMoRRow moRniNg..huuuuu*