Sunday, April 26, 2009

bLoodY X


ogenki desuka??
whiLe busy heLping ouT my paRenTs at Home,
i sTill have time watching 'bLoodY Monday' recently.. eheee~~
a Japanese dRama, iTs actuaLLy an adaptation fRom a Manga, '(Buraddi Mandei)' by Ryuumon Ryou, illustrated by Megumi Kouji.

Buraddi Mandei - firsT manga coVer

though i haven't read the manga n i believe that i need to read it online coz i don't think the mangas are avaiLabLe in Malaysia, i am impressed with the pLoT.. onLy, i dunt reaLLy Like how it ends.. guess There'LL be The NexT seRies.. anyWay, congraTuLations...Hope There'LL be the ContiNuous series.. i'LL be waiTing.. hehee..

dRama coVer

hurm, in this dRaMa seRies, i Like The acTors n acTresses especiaLLy MiuRa hARUma (acted in Koizora n goKusen 3.. awesome) n Fuuji miNa (like her in 'Doushite kiMi wo suki ni naTTe shimaTTandarou' of tohoshinki.. she's soo preTTy).. hee~~

i aDore the skiLLs Fujimaru has. how I wish i could be as genius as him though i know nothing abouT system hacKing.. but being a genius is a burDensome... Thank God i'm just who i am..
but i do wanna be a Genius... need a hard work to achieve it, riTe? huhuu :(


oyasumi Nasai minaa-san~~

aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi~~~~

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