Sunday, March 29, 2009



K, aku bengaNg coZ its beeN a MonTh since my Last eNTry...

I just CouldN't UpdaTe eVen a sinGLe EnTry due To inTerneT ConnecTion... k, pLus Masa x KeNa...
Next Time, I'll try to upDate aT Least aN eNtry so0N... PenaT aKu TaIp panJang2.. Xprasan Haven'T saVed yet.. N, PUFF! autoshut laptop...



aJ HOm b0Hut KhushEi~~

Saturday, March 21, 2009

LaTesT upDaTe


HisaShiBuri... Ogenki desuKa?? ahahhaaa... sejak bile aku belajar Japanese nieyh?? isk3...

AcTuaLLy, nak update wat I've done this March.. buT I Guess tOO much laa babe..huuu..

MosT imporTant Thing is, thanking Mun for the LoveLy birthday gift.. YEah.. I do Like it...tq..tq.. hountoni arigato... ehe...


so, LaTest, my class had iftar + majLis sOLaT HajAT at RC... YUP.. LasT Nite.. Thanx to aLL coMMittees for ur Hard WoRK organizing the dinneR.. x DaPat naK uPLoad Pic as I diDn'T bring my cameRA..ok, my sis BoRRowed mine.. MuLLaaa~~~

our FinaL eXam wiLL start This SatuRdaY and InsyaALLah untiL 15/4.. i'LL be Home The nexT Day...hou yeah!! hou yeah!!! Anyway, Wish u guYs ALL the bEsT in This final Exam... Chiayou hoo!!! gambate kudasai!! AJA!!! sume aku sebut... huahahaa

k Laaa...


aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi~~~


Monday, March 2, 2009

MARDI tRiP.....


LasT Friday (27/2) , we went to MARDI in Muadzam Shah, under the supervision of Prof. Ahmad Aman & Dr. JaLaL ChowDhury..

a shot before bus sampai

DeParted from KOS at around 7.45 am, we reached the offiCe there around 10 am. we Were given a sHort Briefing and RefReshMenTs befOre we weRE brought to the buLL park...

exciting faces =)

iT was Sooo MucH fUn there..
with beautiful, foggy scenery.. i love it =)

We were exposed to sTeps for arTificiaL ferTiLizaTion of BRAKMAS...
yup! kacukan Male bull from USA and Female bull of Kedah or KeLanTan...


They demonsTraTed The pRocesses RighT iN fRonT of Our eYes on How sieMens were coLLecTed,

siemens collected =p

siemens taken from storage in luquid nitrogen

pak suh demonstrating how to do pregnant diagnosing, PD

the buLLs need to be confiRmed thaT she's noT pRegNanT yeT beFore TransferriNg siemen...
theN, we were offeRed to Do juZ like wat pak suh did n Qiqi, as usual, volunTeered herself. unforTunaTely, we ran out of time, so, Prof Aman aLLowed nobody to have a TrY...

We were kinda rusHing for fRidaY Prayer..
We sTopped by the towN for Lunch and Pray...

Last shoT whiLe waitiNg for the guYs habis soLat JumaaT

Departed around 2.30 pm, we reaChed KOS around 4.45 pm and RestLessLy went for Parenting cLass.. ALhamduLiLLah it was onLy for an hour..huhu..
SurprisinGLy, we were sTiLL pretty acTive in The cLass.. Maybe the excitement aFTer our first cLass Trip had not Last yeT..
anYwaY, we Had fuN LearNinG new thiNgs and hoPing that wE couLd go to MARDI, cameron plak.. Heard that they specialised in plantation especiaLLy sTrawBErry there..Jom PROF!!! NexT Trip, MARDI CAMERON, chaLLooo!!!!ehe~~~



aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi....


Sunday, March 1, 2009

taGged again~~

01. Name: :)
002. Nickname(s): kaK iN, sHino, sHiNochan, nasHiNo(?), shin chin
004. Zodiac sign: pieces
005. Male or female: feMale
006. Elementary: convent Bp
007. Middle School: convent Bp
008. High School: Temenggong IbRahim GirLs ScHooL
009. College School: IIUM
010. Hair color: ~auRat laaa~
011. Long or short: ~auRat laaa~
012. Loud or Quiet: both bLe...
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: botH gak, ble x? ehe
015. Health freak: 85%
016. Drink or Smoke: no / no
017. Do you have a crush on someone: owh... ramai.. hahaaa..sriusly, sorang pon tarak..huhu
018. Eat or Drink: Both
019. Piercings: no
020. Tattoos: no

023. First piercing: ku xsanggup melukakan diriku, kerna diriku begitu berharga.. hahaa
024. First best friend: Hema
025. First award: x ingat gak...kecik2 dulu 2x menang hamper KFC sbb joined contests in their magazines..
026. First crush: x ingat r...huahahaa
027. First pet: tarak...
028. First big vacation: kuantan, terengganu
030. First big birthday: in 2004. surprise bufday party wif best buddies..thanx korang.. miss you guys sooo much

049. Eating: junkies esp popCorn
050. Drinking: ice LEmoN tEa..besh..besh...
052. I'm about to: watching comedy movies after 2 midterm paper yang membengangkan
053. Listening to: sToLen (dasHboaRd ConfesSioNaL)
054. Plans for today: for tonite, nak LepaK jap beFore StudY BGE.. *owh please.. cepat laa abih midterm nie..*
055. Waiting for:a call from faDhiLah

ada gaya shino junior x?hehe

058. Want kids: 3-5
059. Want to get married: sape yang tanak oi...
060. Careers in mind: researcher to explore the fascinating world of aQua

068. Lips or eyes: eyes. dari mata turun ke hati.. ahax~~~
070. Shorter or taller: taller
072. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
073. Nice stomach or nice arms: tak kesah
074. Sensitive or loud: LouD!!!cheer my Day ;p
075. Hook-up or relationship: relationship... when i'm ready..hahaa
076. Trouble maker or hesitant: hate chaos!!!

080. Lost glasses/contacts: bole tahan selalu gak r... ehee
081. Ran away from home: never..
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: neVer..alhamDuLiLLah aLLah selamaTkan aku Lagi
083. Killed somebody: in counter strike banyak dah walopon aku tak khatam lagi game tuh..hahaaa
084. Broken someone's heart: yup... sowy frens...
085. Been arrested: NEVER!!!
087. Cried when someone died: YUP...missing them

089. Yourself: not reaLLy acTuaLLy
090. Miracles: yeah.... it does exist though
091. Love at first sight: not reaLLy
092. Heaven: oF CoZ!!!
093. Santa Claus: ??? ciPLaK punya ada r... reaLity : juST to chEat kiDs :(
094. Tooth Fairy: TIPUUU!!!!
095. Kiss on the first date: GiLooo.....

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now: my moMMY...
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: not really
099. Do you believe in God: OF COURSE!!!!
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people: oookkkk.....

penaTnye menJawaB...huhu...
thank you for dropping by my bLoG.. so, now is YOUR TURN to answer ALL!!!miahahaa...
plzzzzzzz... *_*


aJ H0m bOHut KhusHei......