LasT Friday (27/2) , we went to MARDI in Muadzam Shah, under the supervision of Prof. Ahmad Aman & Dr. JaLaL ChowDhury..
We were exposed to sTeps for arTificiaL ferTiLizaTion of BRAKMAS...
yup! kacukan Male bull from USA and Female bull of Kedah or KeLanTan...
They demonsTraTed The pRocesses RighT iN fRonT of Our eYes on How sieMens were coLLecTed,
the buLLs need to be confiRmed thaT she's noT pRegNanT yeT beFore TransferriNg siemen...
theN, we were offeRed to Do juZ like wat pak suh did n Qiqi, as usual, volunTeered herself. unforTunaTely, we ran out of time, so, Prof Aman aLLowed nobody to have a TrY...
We were kinda rusHing for fRidaY Prayer..
We sTopped by the towN for Lunch and Pray...
Departed around 2.30 pm, we reaChed KOS around 4.45 pm and RestLessLy went for Parenting cLass.. ALhamduLiLLah it was onLy for an hour..huhu..
SurprisinGLy, we were sTiLL pretty acTive in The cLass.. Maybe the excitement aFTer our first cLass Trip had not Last yeT..
anYwaY, we Had fuN LearNinG new thiNgs and hoPing that wE couLd go to MARDI, cameron plak.. Heard that they specialised in plantation especiaLLy sTrawBErry there..Jom PROF!!! NexT Trip, MARDI CAMERON, chaLLooo!!!!ehe~~~
SurprisinGLy, we were sTiLL pretty acTive in The cLass.. Maybe the excitement aFTer our first cLass Trip had not Last yeT..
anYwaY, we Had fuN LearNinG new thiNgs and hoPing that wE couLd go to MARDI, cameron plak.. Heard that they specialised in plantation especiaLLy sTrawBErry there..Jom PROF!!! NexT Trip, MARDI CAMERON, chaLLooo!!!!ehe~~~
aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi....
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