Sunday, November 8, 2009



I feel liKE i'm repeating a phase in Life...

wheN i was 15...

i'm RePeaTing this thiNg again..

hopeFuLLy, this will be the iniTiaL sTeP for my SucceSS, inSyaAllah...

Friends, pray for my SuccEss too..
& May u guyS aLso ALwaYs success, insYaALLAh ;)

BeST of Luck in your exaM frieNds...
Lets do ouR BEsT for This BatTLe..
wonder why i feel VERY nervous for this fiNaL..
i may seem a caLm, but deep inside, Allah je laaa yang tahu..

wokeyh! Study! sTudy!! don'T Let this otheR things interrupt you, shino!!!



Anonymous said...

ko repat ape?kjayaan mse pmr?ehe.

gudluck chin xm!aku tau ko blh buat.aku percaya kt ko.ece.hahahha

chin caiyo!!!caiyo chin!!!

sHiNo said...

hak.hak... roda idup berputar.. heheee... tq sa'at... hehee