Monday, February 23, 2009

haDiTh of The dAY~~

well, i found a hadith which caught my aTtention, to Be sHared wiTh mY FReiNds, espEciaLLy girLs ouT thEre....

iTs rEgaRdiNg thiNgs thaT we Wear & dO daiLy...

pErfUme, sPecificaLLy...


"When a woman puts on perfume and goes among people so that its scent reaches them, she is an adulteress, and any eye which is attracted to her is that of an adulterer" (Reported by al-Nisai, and also by Ibn Khazimah and Ibn Hayyan in their respective Sahih's.)

in aDdiTion, as RevEaLed in Qoran,

"that they should not stamp their feet in order to make apparent what is hidden of their adornment...."

thEsE are ReLated to Why Islam permits women to Wear siLk & GoLd while They aRe pRohobiTed to Men...

sO, it is ALL up to uS to Be a GooD MusLim or noT...

"reNung-ReNungKan... daN SeLamaT BeraMal..." *-*


aJ Hom bOhut KhushEi~~~~


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