Ogenki?? hurm..
sambung cite arituh, the next day, aku caLLEd lagi mak aku.. but then, she stiLL kepT taLking the things i Tried to the end, i hung up with siLent lagi.. the NExT day aka yesterday, i caLLed again, tried to recover our Mood coz i'm verY suRe she stiLL worried.. but she's aLready sLeeping.. so, pLan nak cheered up n apologized for worrying her pun tak dapat.. hurm... :((
finaLLy, today, this afTernoon, i caLLed again my mom.. I was stiLL down this morning.. banyak kerja punye pasal, PLUS internet thou using modem pon cam hampeh sungguh, i WALKED to libraRy.. its been 3 days in a row (ke 4 ari eh) I
WALKED to library so caLLEd nak siapkan assigments, presentations and report. tapi, boLEh siapkan 1 thing for each day je.. :(
For today, I was stuck in the libraRy from 10am-4.30pm, ok??bajet tgh ari nak blk lepak-lepak dulu ke.. sat ag, at 1pm dapat arahan "sihin, datang library
skrg, kitorang nak wat discussion!!"
ok fine.. seb bek aku da lame stayed sane.. bajet library tuh sebelah bilik je ke kak oi.. aduhai..
so, aku stayed kat library tuh, & assignment ak finally tinggal lagi 2 of 4, a presentation slide tinggal lagi dari sorang punye part je, & report pon submitted.. ske aku.. :))))))
Back to my mom's story.. I was stiLL depressed this Morning when I went to Library..stiLL, I tried to comPlete my assignment which i ended up bagi part yang tak tau to my groupmate.. tinggal lagi 1 soalan out of 4.. ok r tuh.. ehe.. i met my classmates in the Library, tuh yang tried settlekan soklan2.. ehe..then
SUMTHING happened which reaLLy turned me into a HAPPY mode.. gumbira sangat-sangat.. then, discussed punye diskas, aku da tak ble masuk pape, aku kua jap, caLLEd mak.. as expected, she was worried, & tak ungkit langsung pasal mende yang memang xmoh aku pikir lagi.. so, we TaLked, and everything has settled..
ptg tadi, aku
rakanku yang agak down.. she treated me :)) thank you so much.. aku xtau sape patut blanje sape.. die yang down ke, aku yang down? huhuu.. anyway, doakan kau the best.. Let the time HeaLs everyThing, ok..
k sok class full.. ni, da 3+am tak tido agi.. semoga aku dapat bangun ke kelas sok :P
aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi~~~~