Monday, August 24, 2009

aHLan wa SahLan YA RamADHan~~~


How r you? Its aLreaDy 4th RamAdHan aka dah 4 ari r KiTe BerPuasa..

sooo Many things to be UpdaTed... again~~~ *~*

Yesterdays's quiz was postponed...dunNo tiLL when.. hopefuLLy not Today.. ehee..
& my cLass thiS MorNing is canCelled..
hou yeah!hou yeah!!

too Lazy to write banyak2...bulan pose nie, paham2 sudey..ehe... Pics describe thousands woRds, kan..Guess Pics LEbih senaNG,kan? updating hahaa...taPi, nak mengUpLoad pic tuh pon... urgh.. memang btOL2 menguJi keTahanan orang BerPuasa.. hahaa..

Lets tRy upLoading the piCs

buying textboox

during our Lab, making an essence

one of the Lakes we went for water sampLing..
ps: as a result, air nie, mmg
KURANG bersih..


then wacKos had a workshop and also ifTar (breaK Fast)

new boards yang sengal...
ps: sorang je monyok sbb tgh pk 2 quizzes on the next day :P

marKeTing & ProMoTion dePartMent (MaNAp)

YES!!!!dapat gak upload picS
hou yeah!hou yeah!!!

onLy WacKos workshop we had in Ramadhan.. dah terpakse, due to H1N1 curfew a week before.. :( yang lain sume i had before RamaDhan.. aNyway, we had fun, thou the next day most of us were having quizzes..

WeLL done guys!!!

seLamaT Berpuasa
may seGaLa amaLan Kita diTerima ALLAH ;)

ps: to kema, semoga cepat sembuh ya... makan n minum mende2 berkhasiat.. get well soon.. aku RINDUUUUUUU kamu


aJ H0m bOHut KhushEi....



tuanblogtakadanama said...

and x dapat tinggi pulak tu *menangis*

dugaan di bulan puasa... =p

sHiNo said...

dugaan, babe...


alifzaimimra said...

huhu..same la.. ade kuiz jgk the next day..
takpe, strive for the best untuk midterm lak k.

kema, rindu sama kamu..

sHiNo said...
